Product information
120 pcs 900 mg capsules / carton. Net weight: 108 g / 120 dose

Peak Ecdysterone spinach extract c. - tested in an independent UBF laboratory

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  • Tested in an independent UBF laboratory

  • 6 times faster protein synthesis

  • Spinach extract

  • Beta-ecdysterone content

  • GMO-free

  • Plant-based, with no side effects, and FULL VEGAN

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€46.0 0.43 EUR/adag
Availability: In stock

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Spinach extract with beta-ecdysterone, L-leucine, which can increase the incorporation of proteins into your muscles by 6 times! Beta-ecdysterone is a group of phytonutrients. The independent UBF - Untersuchungs- und Forschungslaboratorium GmbH has confirmed the excellent quality of Peak ecdysterone capsules. The test, which was carried out using the HPLC method (high-performance liquid chromatography), included the following: checking the ingredients listed.

UBF - Untersuchungs- und Forschungslaboratorium GmbH, located in Altlandsberg near Berlin, is an independent testing institute accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

Ecdysterone test report Test report - PDF download - Please click HERE to download!
UBF - Examination-Consultancy-Research Laboratory GmbH test report
The values are subject to normal product variations.


Spinach extract with beta-ecdysterone content and L-leucine, which can increase the incorporation of consumed proteins into your muscles by 6 times! 

There are only 2 ways to promote protein absorption into your muscles:

  • beta-ecdysone extracted from spinach 
  • free L-leucine amino acid

Ecdysterone includes both.

What is beta-ecdysone?

Ecdysterone is a performance-boosting supplement containing spinach extract rich in L-leucine and beta-ecdysone. This special combination stimulates muscle protein synthesis. These plant extracts also have a positive effect on fat burning, on the immune system and your overall health.

What can you expect from using Ecdysterone?

Ecdysterone is a very effective one-component supplement that accelerates muscle protein synthesis, thereby inducing muscle growth. Ecdysone has no nutritional value, so its effects are highly dependent on the usage of other supplements and a high-protein diet. A constant and adequate amount of amino acid intake is needed to build and maintain muscle mass. For this, fast and slow absorption protein is recommended.

We always recommend taking Ecdysterone with a protein shake or an amino acid drink!

Beta-ecdysone is obtained primarily from spinach. To get the right amount of ecdysone you would need to consume huge amounts of spinach, so Ecdysterone is the best source of beta-ecdysone. The amino acid L-leucine and Ecdysterone are the most valuable for athletes. Leucine stimulates muscle growth better than any other amino acid. In addition, leucine delays mental and physical fatigue increases insulin secretion, reduces catabolic processes and stimulates metabolism.

Suggested dosage:

The recommended daily dose for muscle growth is 30 mg/day.


13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak Ecdysone spenót kivonat kapszula/Peak Ecdysone Spinach Extract Capsule
Eltarthatóság/Best before: 2 évig - felbontás után száraz helyen tartandó./2 years - Store in a dry place after opening.
Ajánlott adagolás/Dosage: Naponta 1-4 db kapszulát vegyél be (testsúlytól függően) valamilyen folyadékkal. Nagyon fontos a fehérjedús táplálkozás a kiegészítő helyes alkalmazásához. A legjobb ha a kapszulákat proteinturmixszal együtt veszed be, vagy más fehérjedús étel elfogyasztásakor. Edzés előtt bevéve adaptogén hatásai is érvényesülnek, de nem kötelező ekkor bevenned. 1-2 db kapszula 70 kg-os sportoló szükséglete, ha nagyobb a súlyod, 3-4 db kapszulát használj. Pl: Teljesen mindegy hogy 2x2 db kapszulát vagy 4x1 db kapszulát veszel be a turmixod mellé. Egész évben szedhető, szinte minden Peak fehérje is tartalmazza./Take 1-4 capsules daily (depending on your weight) with some liquid. Protein-rich nutrition is very important for the correct use of the supplement. It is best to take the capsules with a protein shake or while eating another protein-rich meal. Adaptogenic effects when taken before exercise, but you are not required to take them at this time. 1-2 capsules For a 70 kg athlete, if you are overweight, use 3-4 capsules. Eg: It doesn't matter if you take 2x2 capsules or 4x1 capsules with your blender. It is available throughout the year, and contains almost all Peak proteins.
Különösebb tudnivaló/Special notes: Ez a táplálék kiegészítő nem pótolja, a megfelelő, és változatos étrendet. A megadott napi adagolás kiegészíti a kiegyensúlyozott táplálkozást, annak túllépése nem javasolt. Gyermekek elöl elzárva tartandó!/This dietary supplement does not replace a proper and varied diet. The daily dosage given is in addition to a balanced diet and should not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children!
Kiszerelés/Packaging: 120 db 700 mg-os kapszula/ doboz. Nettó súly: 84 g/120 700 mg capsules / carton. Net weight: 84 g
Termékleírás/Product description: Teljesítményfokozó keményzselatin kapszula - spenót-kivonattal és L-Leucinnal./Hard gelatin capsule with spinach extract and L-Leucine.
Összetevők/Ingredients: L-Leucin, spenót-kivonat, kollagén protein, hordozóanyag: magnéziumsztearát./L-Leucine, spinach extract, collagen protein, carrier: magnesium stearate.
Nutritional values 100 g capsule
Energy 280 kcal / 1193 kJ 2.0 kcal / 8.3 kJ
Protein 55.5 g 0.39 g
Carbohydrate <1.0 g <0.07 g
Fat 1.6 g 0.01 g
Special ingredients 100 g Each capsule contains 2 capsules
L-leucine 40.0 g 560 mg
Spinach Extract 40.0 g 560 mg
of which ß-Ecdysteron 14.3 g 200 mg
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól. Bátran keress minket, ha bizonytalan vagy, segítünk! Email:
Customer reviews

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Customer questions & answers


By John, 2024-09-12

Hello, I have been taking nuclear power by peak performance labs and I was wondering if this is the same edcesterone in the product? Do you ship to US ?

Answer: HI John, No I think that you mention is a different brand - and we do not ship to US. Moni

By Vince, 2021-07-21

Hello do you ship to Switzerland?

Answer: Dear Vince Thank you that you have written. No, unfortunately we do not ship to Switzerland. I will send you a link where you can get more information about our Shipments - Your trust and solicitation is important to us, so for the beautiful summer time and because you chose us, we would like to give you a Coupon Code that will give you a 20% OFF Discount this month. Our offer applies to any and any number of products / orders, so don't be reluctant to use it more than once - Coupon Code Name - JULY - drop your order with it. The Coupon Code cannot be combined with other Discounts (Package Offer, Special Offer) and Coupon Code! I hope I could help. I wish you a nice day.

By Paul, 2021-03-27

Do you ship to Malta?

Answer: Dear Paul Thank you that you have written :) Unfortunately, we do not currently ship to Mátla. I'm sorry I could only help that much. Have a nice day.

By Lou, 2020-12-28

will you ship ecdysterone to the USA?

Answer: No Lou - we do not ship into USA. Moni

By Lou, 2020-12-27

Will you ship Peak Ecystetone to the United States?

Answer: Dear Lou, No, we can not do this. Thank you for your question, Moni

By Primavera Garrido, 2020-12-14

Do you ship to the United States? Do you have a US website?

Answer: Hi! Thank you for showing intrest for our products! Unfortunatly at the moment we can't ship to the States. We do have an english site, but you can choose delivery only to the European Union Sorry for your inconvinience. I hope i helped you! If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us!

By david, 2020-05-30

Do you sell this product in Australia

Answer: Dear David Unfortunately, we do not delivery to Australia at this moment. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards,

By Peter Sutton, 2020-01-22

Do yall sale to people over here in the United States?

Answer: Hello Peter. Thanks for mail. Szép napot