The Peak Mug Cookie has been RENEWED! From the moment you enter the kitchen, you can already spoon your freshly made diet cookie after 2-3 minutes - but all this ALREADY WITH 42% PROTEIN CONTENT, and with an even SOFTER and JUITER texture! This is ensured by the added collagen and the special "flour mixture"!
In two sublime flavors to vary! Walnut-peach (like Zserbóoó:)) is the standard favorite - Caramel is also the favorite of real connoisseu!
Due to a special "flour mixture" - outstanding 42% protein content - ZERO SUGAR and ZERO WHITE FLOUR!
And, of course, you don't have to worry about the cookies giving you extra kilos... because they are made with sugar-free, oatmeal flour and because of the texture and flavor turbo, sea thorn seed flour, rose hip seed flour, and hemp seed flour have also been included - that is, it does not contain added gluten! (On the other hand, these flours contain high protein content and valuable nutrients.)
And it's not just a simple dessert! With its outstanding, 42% lactose-free protein content, you can completely integrate it into your health-conscious or sporty diet.
Why is there collagen in a Mug Cake?
We experimented with it for several months, but there was no harm in it, because in the end, the cookie base powder with collagen from Peak with the highest protein content was born. The collagen is not (only) included here to have a beautifying effect on you... but just as it makes your skin flexible - IMAGINE, the texture of the cookie as well. So collagen is a doubly useful texture improver here! Thanks to it, your cookies will be juicier and softer than ever! (That's why it's also in Peak Collagen pancakes!)
What are these special "flours" in it?
Buckthorn seed flour, rosehip seed flour, and hemp seed flour are all low-carb, gluten-free types of flour - full of valuable protein, vitamins and minerals. Not only do they make your cookie a real SUPERFOOD, but they certainly have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and the immune system. Last but not least, we also reduced the carbohydrate content of the cookies with these flours, increasing the protein content.
And tasty! These flours have a delicious and special taste in themselves, they smuggle an absolutely fairytale-like harmonizing flavor to your cookies with the nutty or caramel flavor!
Why can you safely eat this cookie even if you're on a diet - EVEN FOR DINNER?
We have developed the ingredients of the Peak cookie in such a way that it fits perfectly into the healthy diet of you or your family. A perfect and healthy alternative to sweets!
In addition, it does not contain white flour, with slow-absorbing whole-grain oatmeal, sea buckthorn seed flour, rosehip seed flour, and hemp seed flour, we have ensured that your insulin level does not rise!
You know that if your insulin level is high (you can easily achieve this with traditional sugary, white flour cookies), it favors fat storage, meaning your body doesn't burn fat! On the other hand, oats or chestnut flour are "good" carbohydrates that do not cause an increase in insulin, which means that fat burning can continue!
In addition, a HIGH PROTEIN CONTENT ensures that your cookie is not a carbohydrate bomb. Most diets - and the basis of a tight shape are also diets with a high protein intake - so this cookie helps!
DO YOU KNOW YOURSELF? ..... How many times has it happened to you that..
Well, these must be familiar to you too - so we are happy to present to you the DIET solution to your "I'm starving and want a cookie immediately" problem: HERE is the Peak protein mug cookie!
Just two minutes, your favorite mug and cookie powder are the ingredient list!
Ne feledd! Bögrés sütit sütni nemcsak otthon – hanem szinte bárhol lehet!
A munkahelyi konyhában, a kollégiumi konyhában, kirándulásnál az apartmanban, a nyaralódban, télen a sítáborban… csak egy bögre, a por és egy mikró kell hozzá!
A Peak bögrés süti praktikusan adagonként tasakolva érkezik hozzád, így igazából bárhova könnyen magaddal tudod vinni!
Önmagában is laktató, és isteni – de ha az elfojtott kreativitás előtörne belőled, akkor bátran játssz a sütivel!
ALAP Elkészítési javaslat: egy nagyobb bögrébe (500 ml-es!!!) öntsd bele a 80 g sütiport, adj hozzá 80 ml vizet, keverd el alaposan. Tedd a mikróba két percre (900W)... és voilááá, már kész is a sütid!
******** Recipes for FAST CAKE!!! ********
Sprinkled with apples and baked with them: the most delicious autumn nasi! Dice an apple and pour the mug cookie over it. You can also put it on top, in 2-2.5 minutes the apple will soften with the cookie!
Mug Gerbeaud Cake, which is really good with the nut-jam-flavored Fast Cake made in the microwave... :) All you need is sugar-free chocolate, and you can also add jam in between!
A cute Santa mug cookie for Christmas? :)
Mug SACHER cake: with a little sugar-free jam and sugar-free chocolate poured on the neck. And the dough is Fast Cake, in nut flavor!
And finally... the cubed cookie is a very good "bun" base for a fake poppy seed cake!!!
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Peak 13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg |
Peak Fast Cake - bögrés sütemény (caramella) | |||||
Leírás / Product description | PEAK Bögrés sütemény por csökkentett laktóztartalmú tejsavófehérje koncentrátummal, kollagénnel, növényi fehérjékkel és édesítőszerekkel. /PEAK Mug cake powder with reduced lactose whey protein concentrate, collagen, vegetable proteins and sweeteners. | ||||
Összetevők / Ingredients | Fehérje komplex [csökkentett laktóztartalmú tejsavófehérje koncentrátum (emulgeálószer: szójalecitinek),napraforgómag fehérje, lenmagfehérje], lisztkeverék [gluténmentes teljes kiőrlésű zabpehelyliszt, homoktövismagliszt, csipkebogyómagliszt, kendermagliszt], 15% hidrolizált marhakollagén, édesítőszerek (eritrit, szukralóz), élelmi rost(inulin), aromák, teljes tojáspor, sütőpor [térfogatnövelő szerek (nátrium-karbonátok, dinátrium-difoszfátok), kukoricakeményítő], színezék (szulfitos-ammóniás karamell), étkezési (himalája) só,térfogatnövelőszer (nátrium-hidrogén-karbonát)./Protein complex [lactose reduced whey protein concentrate (contains emulsifier: soy lecithin), sunflower seed protein powder, flax seed protein powder], flour mixture [gluten free whole grain oatmeal flour, sea buckthorn seed flour, rosehip seed flour, hemp seed flour], 15% hydrolyzed beef collagen, sweeteners (erythritol, sucralose), dietary fiber (inulin), flavors, whole egg powder, baking powder [bulking agents (sodium carbonates, disodium diphosphates), corn starch], color (sulphite ammonia caramel), Himalayan salt, bulking agent (sodium bicarbonate). | ||||
Felhasználási javaslat / Proposition of use | Adjon 80g (2 adagolókanál) porhoz 80 ml vizet, jól keverje el, majd tegye 2 percre a mikrohullámú sütőbe (900W)./Add 80 ml of water to 80 g (2 measuring spoons) of powder, mix well, then put it in the microwave oven (900 W) for 2 minutes. | ||||
Kiszerelés / Package | 300g / doboz / box | ||||
Eltarthatóság / Best before | 18 hónap/18 month | ||||
Tárolási javaslat / Storage | hűvős, száraz helyen, közvetelen napfénytől védve /in a cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight | ||||
Allergének / Allergens | Glutént, rákféléket, halat,dióféléket, zellert és szulfitot feldolgozó üzemben készült./Made in a plant that processes gluten, crustaceans, fish, nuts, celery and sulphite. | ||||
Mínőségét megörzi / Best before | a csomagoláson jelzett időpontig/until the date indicated on the packaging | ||||
Nutrition value ( Caramella ) | / 100g | RI * %/100g | Érték/ 1 portion (50g) | RI * %/1 adag (1 service) | |
Energy | 1333 kJ | 16 % | 1040 kj | 13 % | |
318 kcal | 16 % | 256 kcal | 13 % | ||
Fat | 6,7 g | 10 % | 5,4 g | 8 % | |
/of which saturated fatty acid | 1,7 g | 9 % | 1,4 g | 6 % | |
Carbohydrate | 24 g | 9 % | 19 g | 7 % | |
/of which sugar | 2,3 g | 3 % | 1,2 g | 7 % | |
Fiber | 15 g | - | 12 g | - | |
Protein | 42 g | 84 % | 34 g | 68 % | |
Salt | 1,2 g | 20% | 1,0 g | 17 % | |
Aktív ősszetevők / Active ingredients | |||||
Fehérje komplex / Protein complex (mg) | 38000 mg | - | 30400 mg | ||
Hidrolizált kollagén / Hydrolyzed collagen (mg | 15000 mg | - | 12000 mg | ||
Peak Fast Cake - bögrés sütemény (Walnut peach flavor) | |||||
Leírás / Product description | PEAK Bögrés sütemény por csökkentett laktóztartalmú tejsavófehérje koncentrátummal, kollagénnel, növényi fehérjékkel és édesítőszerekkel/ PEAK Mug cake powder with reduced lactose whey protein concentrate, collagen, vegetable proteins and sweeteners | ||||
Összetevők / Ingredients | Fehérje komplex [csökkentett laktóztartalmú tejsavófehérje koncentrátum (emulgeálószer: szójalecitinek), napraforgómag fehérje, lenmagfehérje], lisztkeverék [gluténmentes teljes kiőrlésű zabpehelyliszt, homoktövismagliszt, csipkebogyómagliszt, kendermagliszt], 15% hidrolizált marhakollagén, édesítőszerek (eritrit, szukralóz), élelmi rost (inulin), teljes tojáspor, aromák, sütőpor [térfogatnövelő szerek(nátrium-karbonátok, dinátrium-difoszfátok), kukoricakeményítő], színezék (szulfitos-ammóniás karamell), étkezési (himalája) só, térfogatnövelőszer (nátrium-hidrogén-karbonát)./ Protein complex [lactose reduced whey protein concentrate (contains emulsifier: soy lecithin), sunflower seed protein powder, flax seed protein powder], flour mixture [gluten free whole grain oatmeal flour, sea buckthorn seed flour, rosehip seed flour, hemp seed flour], 15% hydrolyzed beef collagen, sweeteners (erythritol, sucralose), dietary fiber (inulin), whole egg powder, flavors, baking powder [bulking agents (sodium carbonates, disodium diphosphates), corn starch], color (sulphite ammonia caramel), Himalayan salt, bulking agent (sodium bicarbonate). | ||||
Felhasználási javaslat / Proposition of use | Adjon 80g (2 adagolókanál) porhoz 80 ml vizet, jól keverje el, majd tegye 2 percre a mikrohullámú sütőbe (900W)/Add 80 ml of water to 80 g (2 measuring spoons) of powder, mix well, then put it in the microwave oven (900 W) for 2 minutes. | ||||
Kiszerelés / Package | 300g / doboz / box | ||||
Eltarthatóság / Best before | 18 hónap/18 month | ||||
Tárolási javaslat / Storage | hűvős, száraz helyen, közvetelen napfénytől védve /in a cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight | ||||
Allergének / Allergens | Glutént, rákféléket, halat,dióféléket, zellert és szulfitot feldolgozó üzemben készült./Made in a plant that processes gluten, crustaceans, fish, nuts, celery and sulphite. | ||||
Mínőségét megörzi / Best before | a csomagoláson jelzett időpontig/until the date indicated on the packaging | ||||
Nutrition value ( walnut-peach) | / 100g | RI * %/100g | Érték/ 1 portion (50g) | RI * %/1 adag (1 service) | |
Energy | 1311 kJ | 16 % | 1065 kj | 13 % | |
312 kcal | 16 % | 254 kcal | 13 % | ||
Fat | 6,7 g | 10 % | 5,4 g | 8 % | |
/of which saturated fatty acid | 1,7 g | 9 % | 1,4 g | 7 % | |
Carbohydrate | 22 g | 8 % | 18 g | 7 % | |
/of which sugar | 2,2 g | 3 % | 1,8 g | 2 % | |
Fiber | 16 g | - | 13 g | - | |
Protein | 42 g | 84 % | 34 g | 68 % | |
Salt | 1,2 g | 20% | 1,0 g | 17 % | |
Aktív ősszetevők / Active ingredients | |||||
Fehérje komplex / Protein complex (mg) | 38000 mg | - | 30400 mg | - | |
Hidrolizált kollagén / Hydrolyzed collagen (mg | 15000 mg | - | 12000 mg | - |
You're reviewing: Peak FAST Cake - Mug cookie powder without sugar and white flour
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