Product information
500g / container - 20 ice cream BALL / 12 dose

Peak Fit Ice Cream

  • Ice cream, which doesn't hurt your figure!

  • It is made without an ice machine.


  • From the MOST FINE whey protein.


  • You can take in your protein smoothly even in high heat!

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€29.0 €19.9 1.99 EUR/adag
Availability: In stock

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Summer can't pass without ice cream! Get the first ice cream that doesn't hurt your figure! In fact, it specifically supports your diet! Yes, the famous Peak Fitt ice cream is back -Made WITHOUT FREEZER!

Because it is POWDER, so you can take it ANYWHERE, it won't melt!

  • You don't have to stir, cook, freeze - just one SHAKE and in 2 hours you can take it out of the fridge.
  • You no longer have to struggle with your smoothie in the heat.
  • No more stinky shaker-dried protein, no more "I don't want the smoothie in the heat."
  • You can get your protein needs right away at 40 degrees, without sugar and fat!

You can taste two flavor - LIMITED!

- Fabulous punch drunk?

- Marzipan chocolate adventure?

Which one to come? BOTH!

We know what you're eating this summer! Cool yourself with a fit ice cream - you can snack even in the evening during your favorite movie!

As a child, did you crowd in front of the ice cream counter every summer? And as you grow up, many of your plans to adopt a diet-healthy lifestyle are often trampled on the ground by the chocolate-punch-fruit flavors of normal or neon colors…. FROZEN. Yes, let's take care - diet here or there ... - ice cream is a must-have for summer - but here's the BEST AND EASY option to keep you in shape this summer - but either cool off with ice cream in the evenings or during the night!

WHAT else is it if you eat Peak Fit ice cream instead of in-store ice cream? What gives you more?

On the one hand, because there is no sugar in it, no fat in it! Its carbohydrate content is also negligible - since what you see is not sugar, but FIBER, which is not absorbed! Despite all this, it is very delicious! Peak is made from one of the best quality and finest, creamiest Whey protein!

Why is it good for you? Protein is the only macronutrient that keeps your muscles tense.. Your muscles need protein to stay beautifully shaped, otherwise your skin will visibly sag, which is not very feminine. Peak protein ice cream does not contain any added sugar, it is made exclusively from food - whey protein.

In addition to its myriad health-protecting effects, whey protein is great for your diet, as if you eat more protein, you consume less carbohydrates. Proteins have a high saturation index - meaning they are SATURATED and protein is what your body normally stores the least amount of fat. 


One more thing that makes this ice cream UNIQUE: COLLAGEN and INULIN (a fiber) in it. But WHY do you need it?

Collagen isn’t (just) in it now to make you prettier - but because with inulin (which is an anti-hunger fiber anyway) gives your ice cream a silky, creamy texture - you’re not going to lick a block of ice, it’s REALLY CREAMY ICE CREAM!

Nutritional value in Fit ice cream

For a serving of Fit ice cream (50g) you only need to count on 176kcal. The same amount contains 27g of protein, 8g of carbohydrates (9g of dietary fiber) and 1.8g of fat. It’s LESS and BETTER nutritional value than any other nasi - you can even replace it with an intermediate meal or DINNER with ice cream!

How was Peak Fit Ice Cream born? A LEGEND LIVES AGAIN IN THE SUMMER!

In June 2013, we posted a protein ice cream recipe on the Peak girls facebook page:

"Why don't you make protein ice cream? Neither the heat nor the frost effect hurts your protein. Let's see how to do this! Shake your protein powder with water or milk in a shaker. You can add sweetener, cinnamon, sugar-free cocoa powder, coffee! In a bowl freeze it to the desired quality in the refrigerator. You can already eat it with a warm spoon! ” Within 5 minutes, about 130 people liked it, and we thought about it ...

It was clear to us that protein powder could be used to make ice cream at home, but no one else had it. This was a novelty for Peak customers. And really.

Why not eat your protein shakes in the form of ice cream?

You need to know that if you mix and freeze water and protein smoothly - IT WILL NOT BE CREAMY ICE CREAM. It's a dietary option, but you need thickeners that won't get you a lot of ice cream in a few hours, but a CREAMY ICE CREAM - even WITH WATER and an ice cream machine ONLY!

How to eat Peak Fit ice cream?

  • The basic preparation is the simplest: put 50g of powder and 100ml of cold water or skim (1.5%) milk, vegetable milk in a shaker and shake well. Then pour it into a bowl and put it in the freezer for 2-2.5 hours. It is recommended to remove it from the freezer 5-10 minutes before finding it.
  • If you think you can turbocharge with fruit - or Choco Heaven biscuits!
  • Peak creams don't get offended when you add them to your decor: so you can even make a peanut butter or dark chocolate cream drizzle on it!
  • My favorite was BROWNIE with ice cream. You can finish the Brownie with the Peak BUCKLE COOKIES in 2 minutes!

LIMITÁLTAN a Tied, CSAK ERRE A NYÁRRA! Watch out for Peak ice cream because EVERYONE will need it!

13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak high protein ice cream powder
Product description: PEAK ice-cream powder. High protein content powder with collagen, aminoacids, plant extracts, inositol and sweetener.
Ingredients: See it below.
Recommended dosage: Mix 50g drink powder with 100ml pf cold water, skimmed milk (1,5%) or vegetable milk and shake it well. Put it in to the freezer for 2-2,5 hours. Take it out 5-10 minutes before serving. Consume the product within 3 day!
Best before: See mark bar at the bottom of the jar.
Storage: Store in a dry, cool place, protected from light. Keep out of reach of children.
Net weight: 500g Box
Ingredients: Whey protein concentrate (contains emulsifer: soy lecithin), skimmed milk powder, dietary fiber (inulin), hydrolyzed bovine collagen, thickeners (guar gum, xantan gum, cellulose gum) cocoa powder, 2% amino komlex { BCAA*-s(L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine), L-glutamine, L-threonine, L-lysine HCI} fat-reduced cocoa powder, flavors, acerola fruit power, acai berry, fruit powder, salt(himalayan) inositol(mio.inositol), sweeteners (sucralose).
Nutritional values: /100g *RI%/100g per serving**** *RI%/per serving
Energy (kJ / kcal) 1484 kJ/352 kcal 18% 742 kJ/176 kcal 9%
Fat (g) 3,6 g 5% 1,8 g 3%
/of which saturared (g) 2,2 g 11% 1,1 g 6%
Carbohydrates (g) 17 g 7% 8,5 g <3%
/of which sugars (g) 16 g 18% 8,0 g 9%
Dietary Fiber (g) 18 g - 9,0 g -
Protein (g) 54 g 108% 27 g 54%
Salt (g) 0,34 g 6% 0,17 g 3%
Active ingredients
Tejsavófehérje koncentrátum/Whey protein concentrate 40000 mg - 20000 mg -
Inulin/Inulin 15000 mg - 7500 mg -
Hidrolizált marhakollagén/hydrolyzed beef collagen 10000 mg - 5000 mg -
Acerola gyümölcspor/Acerola fruit powder 200 mg - 100 mg -
Acai bogyópor/Acai berry fruit powder 200 mg - 100 mg -
Inozit/Inositol 100 mg - 50 mg -
Ingredients: Whey protein concentrate (contains emulsifer: soy lecithin), skimmed milk powder, dietary fiber (inulin), hydrolyzed bovine collagen, thickeners (guar gum, xantan gum, cellulose gum) 2% amino komlex { BCAA*-s(L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine), L-glutamine, L-threonine, L-lysine HCI}, flavors, acerola fruit power, acai berry, fruit powder, coloring food (beetroot concentrate) salt(himalayan) inositol(mio.inositol), sweeteners (sucralose).
Nutritional values: /100g *RI%/100g per serving**** *RI%/per serving
Energy (kJ / kcal) 1481 kJ/351 kcal 18% 740 kJ/176 kcal 9%
Fat (g) 2,8 g 4% 1,4 g 2%
/of which saturared (g) 1,7 g 9% 0,9 g 5%
Carbohydrates (g) 19 g 7% 9,5 g <4%
/of which sugars (g) 19 g 21% 9,5 g 11%
Dietary Fiber (g) 17 g - 8,5 g -
Protein (g) 54 g 108% 27 g 54%
Salt (g) 0,30 g 5% 0,15 g 3%
Active ingredients
Whey protein concentrate 40000 mg - 20000 mg -
Inulin 15000 mg - 7500 mg -
Hydrolyzed beef collagen 10000 mg - 5000 mg -
Acerola fruit powder 200 mg - 100 mg -
Acai berry fruit powder 200 mg - 100 mg -
Inositol 100 mg - 50 mg -
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól.
A oldalain található információk, szolgáltatások, cikkek nem helyettesíthetik szakember véleményét, ezért kérjük minden esetben fordulj szakorvoshoz betegség esetén! A táplálék kiegészítők nem gyógyszerek. Az étrendkiegészítők és a különleges táplálkozási célú élelmiszerek csak élelmiszerek, nem gyógyítanak, előznek meg betegségeket vagy helyettesítenek gyógyszereket és semmiképpen sem alkalmasak a kiegyensúlyozott változatos étrend kiváltására.  A termékek használatával az eredmény nem garantált, hatása egyénenként eltérő lehet.
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