Beauty Fats

They don’t fattening, if use them, you dont’ have any negative change in your shape… but on the contrary, they help to weight loss. These are really good fats! Without fatty acids, there are no beauty skin, hairs, nails and healthy diet. If you will be pretty and healthy you need beauty healthy fats!

But the beauty not all, these fats are essential for your heath and diet. If you don’t intake fats, your metabolism will be slowing down.

You can use these fatty acids even when you are on a strict dieting. The phospholipids, fish oil and mct oil fit into all types of healthy diets.

Peak Choco Rum Cream - Retro rum chocolate cream
  • Retro pile of chocolate cream

  • We warn you: the taste is really INTENSE! :))

  • You can also eat it on a diet - WITHOUT SUGAR!

  • It also contains extra protein - it makes it creamier!

  • You can eat it right away or put it in cookies!

  • Retro pile of chocolate cream

  • We warn you: the taste is really INTENSE! :))

  • You can also eat it on a diet - WITHOUT SUGAR!

  • It also contains extra protein - it makes it creamier!

  • You can eat it right away or put it in cookies!

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Peak Coco Dream - Sugar-free Coconut Cream
  • 0% added sugar

  • 48% coconut content

  • Suitable for Ketogenic diet

  • Vegan

  • 0% added sugar

  • 48% coconut content

  • Suitable for Ketogenic diet

  • Vegan

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Peak Whey Dream sugar- and lactose free hazelnut cream with whey protein
  • No added sugar

  • Lactose-free

  • 22% whey protein

  • Made only from corylus colurna

  • Gluten-free

  • No added sugar

  • Lactose-free

  • 22% whey protein

  • Made only from corylus colurna

  • Gluten-free

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Peak Poppy Cream poppy seed cream (vegan)
  • 0% added sugar

  • no added maltitol

  • no added lactose

  • no added gluten

  • 0% added sugar

  • no added maltitol

  • no added lactose

  • no added gluten

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Peak Cashew Butter from 100% all natural cashew 350g
  • extra creamy, smooth taste

  • 100% from cashew

  • 0% added sugar

  • 0% oil added

  • extra creamy, smooth taste

  • 100% from cashew

  • 0% added sugar

  • 0% oil added

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Peak Peanut Butter from 100% all natural peanuts
  • 100% peanut

  • 0% added substances

  • extra smooth texture

  • naturally sweet taste

  • 100% peanut

  • 0% added substances

  • extra smooth texture

  • naturally sweet taste

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