Product information
120 capsules 800 mg = 102 g / jar / 30 dose

Peak Skin Care beauty capsule with VERISOL active substance

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Szeptember kezdetével fáradékony kezdtem lenni, ami sajnos a külsömre is igen csak rányomta a bélyegét. Elkezdtem használni a skin care terméket és felül múlta a várakozásaimat. A bőröm szó szerint ragyogni kezdett és a hajam is elkezdett nő. Nekem iszonyatosan bevált!! - Anna
  • For a spectacular change, you need to take a minimum of 3 months - 1 jar is enough for 1 month!

  • Special collagen peptide to improve cellulite

  • Anti-wrinkle bomb with matrix - protects against premature aging!

  • With the active substance Verisol

  • Suitable for skin changes during and after pregnancy

  • Helps to lighten and eliminate skin imperfections

  • Supports healthy tanning

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€32.0 1.07 EUR/adag
Availability: In stock

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- Attention! The product has an effect when used continuously for 3 months. 1 box is enough for 1 month! -

Although the beauty comes from within ... - but your skin will reflect it!

In addition to achieving a beautiful figure, perhaps the tightness of your face and skin preoccupies you the most in everyday life. How can you make it tight, beautiful? Can we rejuvenate again? - or more importantly: CAN WE PREVENT EARLY AGING, SKIN PROBLEMS?

The skin is the largest organ in your body. It protects against external influences and regulates body temperature, but also reflects how you feel inside, what your lifestyle is like. It is not uncommon for bad lifestyles, bad habits, unhealthy foods, too much stress, lack of sleep - or much less influenced external influences such as environmental toxins - to manifest in pale, unhealthy facial skin, skin problems (acne).

In addition, there is every woman’s nightmare that unfortunately can affect everyone: cellulite and wrinkles. BUT It doesn't matter how old you are - and to what extent, right? And of course, HAPPY moments can also have unpleasant side effects. After a drastic diet or pregnancy, the skin will sag, become inelastic and stretchy.

But you don't have to put up with these. There is a solution. This is a NEW active ingredient: VERISOL®.

Collagen is the main structural component of the skin, accounting for about 80% of its dry weight. Skin properties are known to be influenced by endogenous and environmental factors, including aging, ultraviolet radiation, hormones, and nutrition. VERISOL® can stimulate your skin's metabolism and counteract the loss of collagen from within.

This is extremely good news for ages over 30!

Natural Bioactive Collagen Peptides® VERISOL®, optimized specifically for beauty applications, allows consumers to experience noticeably firmer and smoother skin without less wrinkles. The positive effect of VERISOL is also reflected in the improved skin surface structure, which reduces cellulite and faster nail growth, and is said to cause less nail breakage.


So what will happen if we start using this NEW active ingredient?

Oral VERISOL® systematically affects collagen metabolism in the skin, dermis, rather than just reaching the outer layers of the skin like creams and other topical products. It works by recognizing specific peptides of VERISOL® by fibroblast cells in the dermal layer of the skin as collagen fragments that activate them. These peptides stimulate cells to increase their own collagen metabolism to counteract the pseudo-collagen degradation perceived in them in the dermis by Verisol.

What will happen? In essence this:


There is a significant improvement in skin health.

Skin elasticity was significantly increased after oral VERISOL® treatment compared to placebo. Oral supplementation of specific collagen peptides has a beneficial effect on the physiology of human skin: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study: Proksch E., Segger D., Degwert J., Schunck M., Zague V., Oesser S. Skin Pharmacol Physiology, August 2013

Is it also possible to reduce wrinkles?

A second study in women over 100, 45 to 65 years of age showed that oral administration of VERISOL® (2.5 g / day) after 4 weeks significantly reduced wrinkles and resulted in significantly higher skin procollagen concentrations. VERISOL® significantly reduces wrinkles: Skin collagen increases by 60%.

Oral administration of specific bioactive collagen peptides reduces skin wrinkles and increases skin matrix synthesis: Proksch E., Schunck M., Zague V., Segger D., Degwert J., Oesser S. Skin Pharmacol Physiology, December 2013

Improved skin surface structure and reduced cellulite!

About 85% of the global female adult population is affected by cellulite (the appearance of cellulite on the skin). Cellulite is a beauty aspect, not a disease, but many women suffer from this blemish. Cellulite is primarily caused by disorders of the dermal matrix, combined with excess subcutaneous fat, convex dermis, and excess intersist fluid. VERISOL® supplementation has a beneficial effect on the extracellular dermal matrix of the skin and can help reduce cellulite. In contrast to current cellulite supplements, which focus on aspects of excessive fat or microcirculation / drainage, VERISOL® directly stimulates the formation of extracellular matrix in the skin.

JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL FOOD, J Med Food 00 (0) 2015, 1–9, DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2015.0022, Dietary Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides Has a Body Mass Index-Dependent Beneficial Effect on Cellulite Morphology
Michael Schunck, 1 Vivian Zague, 2 Steffen Oesser, 1 Ehrhardt Proksch, 3

What happens to the nails?

For many women, well-groomed nails are an integral part of an attractive look. But many women suffer from cracked or cracked nails as well as nail peeling and nail roughness. Bioactive Collagen Peptides® VERISOL® can help improve nail growth and health.

The various positive effects of VERISOL® are shown in a recent study. The study shows that the reduction in cracked and / or cracked nails reaches a 42% reduction after 2 months of treatment. Compared to the control group, the nail growth rate increases. VERISOL® resulted in a statistically significant improvement in nail growth after as little as 3 months of treatment.

At the same time, there is a remarkable improvement in the texture of the nail and the irregularity of the nail edge is clearly reduced. 80% of patients were completely satisfied with VERISOL® treatment. 75% of women perceive their nails to be longer, 71% say their nails grew faster and became longer.


So essentially, HBN Skin Care's multi-ingredient capsules made of special ingredients are designed for one purpose only - to NOTICELY improve your skin! HBN Skin Care supports normal skin function and promotes the formation of collagen, which is responsible for a youthful look - and it also does MUCH MORE for you.

Again young, without cellulite? Sophisticated active ingredient matrix for perfect facial skin.

GET READY! For example, it is worth taking it before pregnancy or from the beginning of the diet!

- Attention! The product has an effect when used continuously for 3 months. 1 box is enough for 1 month! -

Peak Skin Care - first success story! The picture was obtained from a 44-year-old lady living in Germany: Using Peak Skin Care in 1 month (right) and after 3 months (left):

13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak Skin Care
Termékleírás / Description: Étrend-kiegészítő kollagén peptidekkel, Bacillus Subtilis DSM 21097, növényi kivonatokkal, vitaminokkal és ásványi anyagokkal. / Food supplement with collagen peptides, Bacillus Subtilis DSM 21097, plant extracts, vitamins and minerals.
Ajánlott adagolás / Recommended dosage: 4 kapszula naponta / 4 capsules every day
Összetevők / Ingredients: BIOACTIVE COLLAGENPEPTIDE® - enzimatikusan hasított (marhazselatin), kapszulahéj (marhazselatin), csomósodásgátló (tri-kalcium-foszfát, zsírsavak magnéziumsói), acerolakivonat, ubikinon, nikotinamid, cink-L-monometionin-szulfát, kalcium-D-pantotinát, asztaxantin, piridoxantin-hidroklorid, Riboflavin, tiamin-mononitrát, folsav, béta-karotin, Bacillus subtilis (DSM 21097), D-biotin, nátrium-jodid. / BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN PEPTIDE® - enzymatically split (beef gelatin), capsule shell (beef gelatine), anti-caking agent (tri-calcium phosphate, magnesium salts of fatty acids), acerola extract, ubiquinone, nicotinamide, zinc-L-monomethionine sulfate, calcium D-pantothhinate, astaxanthin, pyridoxanthine hydrochloride, Riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, folic acid, beta carotene, Bacillus subtilis (DSM 21097), D-biotin, sodium iodide
Kiszerelés / Packaging: 120 db 850 mg-os kapszula = 102 g / 120 capules á 800 mg = 102 g
Tárolási javaslat / Storage: Hűvös, száraz helyen, közvetlen napfénytől védve / Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Ingredients / capsule /Portion* NRV**
Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0,3 mg 1,1 mg 100 %
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0,4 mg 1,4 mg 100 %
Niacin (vitamin B3) 4,0 mg 16 mg 100 %
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 1,5 mg 6,0 mg 100 %
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 0,4 mg 1,4 mg 100 %
Biotin (vitamin B7) 13,8 µg 55 µg 100 %
Folic acid (vitamin B9) 50 µg 200 µg 100 %
Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) 0,6 µg 2,5 µg 100 %
Acerola extract 32,4 mg 129 mg /
of which vitamin C 5,0 mg 20 mg 25 %
Zinc 0,6 mg 2,5 mg 25 %
Iodine 9,3 µg 37,0 µg 25 %
VERISOL® 625 mg 2500 mg /
Coenzyme Q10 12,5 mg 50 mg /
Astaxanthin 1,5 mg 6 mg /
Beta carotene 5,0 µg 20,0 µg /
Bacillus Subtilis DSM 21097 0,125 x 109 KBE/CFU 0,5 x 109 KBE/CFU /
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól. Bátran keress minket, ha bizonytalan vagy, segítünk! Email:
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