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50g / portion

Peak Milky Grits - 54% protein!

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  • A diet milky grits snack that requires ONLY WATER

  • With whey protein and gluten-free oats

  • 2 minutes - No need to cook!

  • It fills you up for a long time - it has a high fiber content

  • Metabolism booster with MCT oil

  • 1 serving ONLY 187 calories!

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World sensation: you can eat a MILK-FREE DIET, and it's just a click away! The time has come to bring back your childhood favorite, in a PROTEIN-rich and healthy form - with no room for sugar or grits. What's more, I'll say something else: you DON'T EVEN HAVE TO COOK this milkshake!

Yes, one serving of Peak Milk Snack contains ONLY 13 g of slow-absorbing carbohydrates (whole-milled oatmeal) - half of which is hunger-reducing FIBER! – and with 21 g of protein, it helps you stay in shape even with such delicacies!

Protein-rich Semolina pudding. In 2 minutes? HOW?

Basically, tejbegriz does not require any serious kitchen experience from you, but we have reduced this EVEN FURTHER: YOU NEED ONLY WATER and NO COOKING - yes, because of the whey protein in it, you don't even need milk, as you get a delicious, creamy texture even with water!

Check it out, you can make it ANYWHERE, ANYTIME in 3 steps:

What is DIFFERENT about this semolina pudding - why will this little miracle be the jewel of your diet?

Now, neither semolina, nor sugar, and often even milk, work for a healthy, nutritious campfire recipe - so you need a little magic to steer the star course of the menzakost in a healthier, more protein-rich direction!

This is how Peak semolina pudding was made!

1. Instead of semolina? A mixture of whole grain and GLUTEN-FREE oatmeal and plantain seed hull fiber mix 

The advantages of oats can be described at length, to quickly summarize, it is much more complex than semolina and contains slightly fewer carbohydrates, keeps blood sugar levels more even, and is also a source of carbohydrates rich in fiber and other nutrients. You should know that if you want to lose weight, you need to keep your insulin and blood sugar levels low. Elevated blood sugar levels are not conducive to fat breakdown, and even encourage your body to store them. In addition, blood sugar fluctuations also cause malaise, fatigue and hunger.

To avoid this, eat slow-absorbing carbohydrates - such as whole-grain oatmeal in this case.

The extra fibers were added for two reasons: with this combination, the oat-fiber mix has a completely semolina texture, so we can easily recall our favorite milk grits experience with it! On the other hand, fiber helps to reduce hunger in the long term and keep you well-fed - this is the basis of weight control, isn't it?

 2.Instead of milk, we use the finest whey protein, which will also be GOOD for several reasons:

On the one hand, due to the milky texture and taste, you really only need to mix it with WATER - this way you save extra unnecessary calories and costs.

On the other hand, due to the added protein, it will no longer be a carbohydrate bomb meal, but a COMPLETE PROTEIN MEAL. Protein is the basis of almost every diet - since this macronutrient is what we can use to improve our body composition and keep our muscles taut. Protein is the one that is deposited the least as fat - on the other hand, it has a high saturation index. For this reason, it is really indispensable in a diet.

SHOULD WE STEP UP? What else is in it?

--- MCT oil, a miracle for your metabolism!

It is a famous metabolism-boosting oil, and is known to be popular with dieters for this reason. It is used as energy and does not accumulate as a fat pad - and it also has many health benefits. You can read more about the product HERE, because it is also available in a separate bottle, it's so good!

An oil that you don't have to include in your daily fat intake, even if you're dieting!

MCT oil is a special oil made from coconut and palm oil, developed medically for sick people who cannot properly digest, absorb and use traditional fats. The triglycerides in MCT are significantly shorter than in average fats, so they are absorbed and hydrolyzed faster in your body. The replacement digestion of MCT oil requires fewer enzymes and weaker bile secretion than traditional fats. Because of this, it completely bypasses the lymphatic system and goes directly into your circulatory system. The consequence of this process is the very high biological value and the fact that the calorie content of MCT is suitable for immediate energy production.

--- Plant extracts - Moringa

An energizing and digestive improving herb, good for strengthening the immune system. An important health benefit is that it regulates blood sugar levels - that's why it was included in the milk begriz, so that you don't get hungry!

--- Maca powder

This is the miracle drug of the Incas, a vegetable plant whose main feature is that it has a positive effect on the hormonal system without drastically interfering with the functioning of hormones. Thanks to this, it is effective in alleviating the symptoms of climax, can also be used for menstrual problems, improves thyroid function and increases sexual desire. In addition, it is a real vitamin bomb, so it is a great immune booster. It improves strength and endurance, enhances mental performance.

--- Rosehip powder

You won't notice it when you taste it, but a little extra boost of vitamin C in your daily breakfast never hurts!

Preparation: add 200-250 ml of warm, but not boiling, water to one dose (50g - 2 spoons) of powder (but if you like, you can of course also use milk or a herbal drink), then mix well. That's it, you can eat it. You see, you don't even have to cook!

Eating guide :)))

Well, I know that everyone likes it with something else, but cocoa is still the best topping! The bitterness of natural cocoa is not usually good - so I recommend you try Peak's SUGAR-FREE (and almost calorie-free) sweetened cocoa powder, which is just like "bunny" cocoa: this is the Peak Yummy Flaw powder chocolate flavor!

He sprinkles it in thickly, then expertly scoops it in. Strictly, neatly starting from the edge, scooping it around with geometric precision. Mixing it up is a real sacrilege! :)

In addition, you can extract:

You can put a lot of Peak sugar-free creams on it: a coconut Cocodream, a chocolate-molasses Wheydream... or for autumn... a Nut cream is also a divine topping!

Once you taste it, you'll never want to eat another pancake again!

Nutritional information for 1 finished Peak Semolina pudding:

Prepared with water, the total serving is 189 kcal, 21 g protein, 13 g carbohydrates (of which 6.5 g fiber) and 4.4 g fat. The fat is provided by the MCT oil - i.e. it does not accumulate as a fat pad!

13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak Milky Grits tejbegríz - 54% fehérjével!
Leírás / Product description PEAK Fehérje és teljes kiőrlésű zabpehelyliszt alapú por élelmi rostokkal, MCT-vel, növényi kivonatokkal és édesítőszerrel. Tejbegríz ízű /PEAK Protein and whole grain oat flour based powder with dietary fiber, MCT, plant extracts and sweetener. Milkshake taste.
Összetevők / Ingredients Csökkentett laktóztartalmú tejsavófehérje koncentrátum (emulgeálószer: szójalecitin), gluténmentes teljes kiőrlésű zabpehelyliszt, 8,5% rostkomplex [inulin, citrusrost, útifűmaghéjliszt, pektin], sűrítőanyagok (xantángumi, cellulózgumi), 2% MCT* olajpor [MCT olajpor (kókuszolajból), akáciarost, emulgeálószer (zsírsavak mono- és digliceridjei), csomósodást gátló anyag (szilícium-dioxid)], aromák, étkezési (himalája) só, őrölt fahéj, csomósodást gátló anyag (kalcium-foszfátok), édesítőszer (szukralóz), moringa (Moringa Oleifera) levélkivonat, csipkebogyó (Rosa canina) gyümölcskivonat, maca (Lepidium Meyenii Walp) gyökérpor./ : Lactose reduced whey protein concentrate (contains emulsifier: soy lecithin), gluten-free whole grain oatmeal flour, 8,5% fiber complex [inulin, citrus fiber, psyllium husk powder, pectin], thickeners (xanthan gum, cellulose gum), 2% MCT* oil powder [MCT oil powder (from coconut oil), acacia fiber, emulsifier (mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide)], flavors, salt (Himalayan salt), ground cinnamon, anticaking agent (calcium phosphates), sweetener (sucralose), moringa (Moringa Oleifera) leaf extract, rosehip (Rosa Canina) fruit extract, maca (Lepidium Meyenii Walp) root extract.
Felhasználási javaslat / Proposition of use Adjon egy adag (50g - 2 kanál) porhoz 200-250 ml meleg, de nem forró vizet, tejet vagy növényi italt, majd jól keverje el./ : Mix 1 portion (50g -2 scoops) powder with 200-250 ml warm water, milk or plant-based drink and shake it well.
Kiszerelés / Package 300g / doboz / box
Eltarthatóság / Best before 18 hónap.
Tárolási javaslat / Storage hűvős, száraz helyen, közvetelen napfénytől védve/ cool and dry, keep away from direct light
Allergének / Allergens Glutént, rákféléket, tojást, halat, dióféléket, zellert és szulfitot feldolgozó üzemben készült. / : Made in a facility that uses gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, nuts, celery sulphite, mollucs and products thereof.
Mínőségét megörzi / Best before a csomagoláson jelzett időpontig /see on the packaging
Összetevők / Ingredients / 100g RI * %/100g Érték/ 1 adag (50g) RI * %/1 adag (1 service)
Energy 1573 kJ 19 % 797 kj 9 %
374 kcal 19 % 190 kcal 9 %
Zsír/Fat 8,7 g 12 % 4,4 g 6 %
amelyből telített zsír/of which saturates / a 2,1 g 11 % 1,1 g 6 %
Szénhidrát/Carbohydrate 25 g 10 % 13 g 5 %
amelyből cukor/of which sugars 1,1 g 1 % 0,6 g <1 %
Rost/Fiber 14 g - 7 g -
Fehérje/Protein 42 g 84 % 21 g 42 %
Só/Salt 0,7 g 12% 0,35 g 6 %
Aktív ősszetevők /Active ingredients
Moringa leaf extract / Moringa levélkivonat 100 mg - 50 mg -
Rosehip fruit extract / Csipkebogyó gyümölcskivonat 100 mg - 50 mg -
Maca root extract / Maca gyökérkivonat 100 mg - 50 mg -
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól. Bátran keress minket, ha bizonytalan vagy, segítünk! Email:
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