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150 g / box / 1 dose

Peak Youngsters Delicate Shake, developmental drink powder for children and young people

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  • Complex chocolate drink powder

  • Especially for children and adolescents

  • Lactose free

  • With over 30 active ingredients!

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€23.9 1.2 EUR/adag
Availability: In stock

These products are recommended for you personally!


Peak is the only brand that CARES about children’s health ALSO. This is because we have children and we see the extent to which children in schools and kindergartens are obese, as young as 6 years old.

So our medical researchers were working to make a protein for kids too, which is unique among all protein powders. Do you have an athletic daughter, a son who exercises and trains a lot, or a child who has already embarked on a significant path to obesity due to the wide variety of pastries? Peak Delicate Shake is made for children, and which child does not like cocoa?

Mootella is a sugar-free cream containing protein. It is ANOTHER delicacy that is also made for our kids. Teach them to eat right, teach them that there are MANY different diets out there today, and during the NEW urban lifestyle, when our children and family are sitting in front of their laptops all day, you MUST change their meals.

Let’s teach, set an example - the health of our families and children depends on it.

We adults can already overcome our addiction to cocoa with a delicious protein shake… and now your child can do it too - of course, you don't have to share your smoothie… as Peak has made a cocoa drink especially FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS - with added vitamins - tailored to their nutritional needs!

A complete and healthy diet for the sporty new generation!

The nutritional needs of children and youngsters are the same as ours in that they also need quality protein, carbohydrates and good fat intake - not to mention vitamins and minerals. (The amount and proportion of these vary with age and physical activity.)

Not to mention that children and adolescents are quite active - if they also play sports regularly, it is definitely advisable to support their increased energy needs at an early age with the right accessories. They definitely deserve a delicious, vitamin cocoa shake!

The Peak Cocoa Smoothie Drink Powder is specially tailored to the nutritional needs of young people! What does it contain?

Lactose-free protein: Not only a delicious and healthy cocoa substitute - but with lactose-free protein content, ideal for kids for breakfast or after an exhausting, strenuous afternoon!

Vitamins! You can also increase your child’s vitamin and mineral intake in a delicious way.

MSM and Glucosamine: they are active ingredients known from their joint protector abilities - which also plays a key role in children: they are essential for the healthy development of the body, the growth of cartilage, tendons and connective tissue!

Inositol: It plays a role in the energy supply of cells.

Cranberry Extract (Exocyan) and Plantinox Blend: Very important antioxidants that play a role in preventing cell damage!

Zinc (in the form of zinc gluconate - a usable form of zinc): Children with zinc deficiency have the following symptoms: acne, eczema, hair loss, slow wound healing, growth problems, late puberty ... these can be avoided with proper zinc intake.

MCT oil: Medium-chain fatty acids that are rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, so they are easily broken down and provide energy, without increasing insulin levels and leading to obesity.

HMB-Ca: helps connective tissue regeneration, wound healing, healthy muscle development… needless to say, it's a good thing if your child comes home with new spots and wounds from the playground every day.

GABA: A stimulant that is necessary for the proper functioning and development of the nervous system. Plus! It improves the quality of sleep and we know the quality of a child's sleep is essential for the child - and also for parents :))

Who shall drink the Peak delicate Shake?

 All children over 6 years, instead of cocoa - it can be perfectly supplemented in their diet!

  • Can also be given to lactose-sensitive young children!
  • For athletic teenagers 
  • A great solution for “light-eating” kids or those who are NOT willing to eat meat/fish/eggs - this is how protein (and vitamins) get into their bodies, in the form of a delicious sweet. 

Children need much more protein than adults because they use more protein in their physical and mental development. Most moms don’t realize this, and that’s okay - let’s learn about it together.

The amount of protein consumed should cover the amount needed for children to grow. However, their growth is not even, so you need to determine their protein intake so that there is enough protein available to their small body at all times.

This amount is 32-75 g protein/day depending on age. This means that the protein need of your 15-40 kg child is the same as for athletes.

13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak Youngsters Delicate Shake
Összetevők/Ingredients: Laktózmentes (laktóz < 0,04%) tejfehérje koncentrátum, szacharóz, maltodextrin, magnézium-citrát, kalcium-karbonát, MSM, BCAA 8:1:1, MCT olaj, tojás fehérje, L-glutamin, inozitol, AquaminTM(Lithothamnion Coralloidesből - tengeri alga fajta - előállíott nyomelem és ásványi anyag forrás), L-karnitin, L-Lizin, L-Glicin, Kreatin, L-Arginin AKG, L-Citrulin, Glukozamin, Niacinamid, Aszkorbinsav, ExocyanTM (tőzegáfonya pro-antocianidinek), Multivimtamin premix (alfa tokoferol, tiamin, riboflavin, nikotinamid, pantoténsav, piridoxin HCl, biotin, folsav, cianokobalamin), Plantiox [Rooibos levél (Aspalathi contam. Fol.), Szőlőmag (Vitis viniferi trester), Citromfű (Melissae off. Fol.), Zsálya levél (Salvia off. Fol), Csalán levél (Urticae Fol.), Rozmaring levél (Rosmarini Fol), Gránátalma mag (Granati Cort Fruct), Kurkuma gyöktörzs (Curcumae long. Rhiz), Zöld tea (Cameliae Fol)] kivonat, metionin, beta-alanin, D-aszparagin sav, GABA, HMB-Ca, kondrioitin szulfát, hidrolizált kollagén, cink-glükonát, D3 vitamin, édesítőszer (szukralóz), kakaópor, csokoládé aroma, vanília aroma./Lactose free (lactose <0.04%) milk protein concentrate, sucrose, maltodextrin, magnesium citrate, calcium carbonate, MSM, BCAA 8: 1: 1, MCT oil, egg protein, L-glutamine, inositol, AquaminTM (from Lithothamnion Coralloides - seaweed variety - produced from trace element and mineral source), L-Carnitine, L-Lysine, L-Glycine, Creatine, L-Arginine AKG, L-Citrulin, Glucosamine, Niacinamide, Ascorbic Acid, ExocyanTM (Multinacial Cranberry Pro-anthocyanidins), premix (alpha tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine HCl, biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin), Plantiox (Rooibos leaf (Aspalathi contam. Fol.), Grape seed (Vitis viniferi trester), Lemongrass (Melissae off.). , Sage leaf (Salvia off. Fol), Nettle leaf (Urticae Fol.), Rosemary leaf (Rosmarini Fol), Pomegranate seed (Granati Cort Fruct), Curcumae long. Rhiz, Green tea (Cameliae Fol)] extract , Methionine, Beta-Alanine, D-Asparagic Acid, GABA, HMB-Ca, Chondroitin Sulfate t, hydrolyzed collagen, zinc gluconate, vitamin D3, sweetener (sucralose), cocoa powder, chocolate flavor, vanilla flavor.
Leírás/Description: Csokoládés turmix hozzáadott vitaminokkal, ásványi anyagokkal és fehérjével./Chocolate milkshake with added vitamins, minerals and protein.
Elkészítés/preparation: Shakerben könnyebb elkeverni. A termék sokféle aktív hatóanyagot tartalmaz, ezért könnyedén rázzuk. Étkezés közben vagy után kell meginni, azonnal elkészítés után./Shaker is easier to mix. The product contains many active ingredients, so shake easily. Drink with or after a meal, immediately after preparation.
Eltarthatóság/Best before: Felbontás után, zárt dobozban, nedvességtől, és napfénytől védve tárolandó, 3 hónapon belül el kell fogyasztani./After opening, store within 3 months in a closed box in order to protect from moisture and sunlight.
Tárolás/Storage: A terméket kisgyermek elől elzárva kell tartani, száraz hűvös helyen, lezárt dobozban./Keep this product out of the reach of small children in a cool, dry place in a closed box.
Allergén információ/Allergens: Tejfehérjét, tojásfehérjét, fenil-alanint tartalmaz. Glutén-, szójafehérje-, aszpartám-, laktóz- (<0,04%), tartósítószer, színezék mentes készítmény./Contains milk protein, egg white, phenylalanine. Gluten, soy protein, aspartame, lactose (<0.04%), preservative, colorless preparation.
Figyelmeztetés/Note: A termék fogyasztása 6 év alatt és terhes nőknek nem javasolt. A javasoltnál nagyobb adag éhgyomorra történő fogyasztása arra érzékenyeknél hasmenést okozhat. Az ajánlott napi fogyasztási mennyiséget ne lépje túl./The product is not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age and is not recommended for pregnant women. Taking more than the recommended dose on an empty stomach may cause diarrhea in susceptible individuals. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
Napi ajánlott fogyasztási mennyiség/Recommended daily consumption:: 6-10 éveseknek 4-5 gramm, 50ml vízzel vagy tejjel elkeverve, 11-14 éveseknek 6-8 gramm, 50-100 ml vízzel vagy tejjel elkeverve, 15-18 éveseknek 10-12 gramm, 100 ml vízzel vagy tejjel elkeverve. A víz vagy a tej mennyiségét ízlés szerint változtathatja.
Nutrition facts: 100 g termékben/100 g powder 6-10 év/years 11-14 év/years 15-17 év/years
4 g RI % 7 g RI % 10 g RI %
Energy / Energia (kj/kcal) 1478 / 353 59 / 14 1 103 / 25 1 148 / 35 1,2
Fat / Zsír (g) 5,2 0,21 0,4 0,36 0,5 0,52 0,5
of which saturates / ebből telített (g) 3,7 0,15 0,3 0,26 0,4 0,37 0,4
Carbohydrate / Szénhidrát (g) 20,8 0,83 0,5 1,46 0,6 2,08 0,6
of which sugars / ebből cukrok 13,4 0,54 0,3 0,94 0,4 1,34 0,4
Protein / Fehérje (g) 55,8 2,23 13,7 3,91 15,6 5,58 16,9
Fiber / Élelmi rost (g) - - - - - -
Amino-acid matrix / Aminosav mátrix (g) 55,8 2,23 3,91 5,58
Creatine monohydrate / Kreatin monohidrát (mg) 500 20 - 35 - 50 -
Vitamin matrix / Vitamin mátrix (mg) 1600 64 - 112 - 160 -
Vitamin B-1, B-2, B-4, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-9, B-12 / B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 vitamin (mg) 28 1 - 2 - 3 -
Vitamin C / C-vitamin (aszkorbinsav) (mg) 885 35 78 62 88 89 89
Vitamin E / E-vitamin (α-tokoferol) 45 2 22 3 23 5 39
Vitamin D-3 / D3-vitamin (kolekalciferol) NE 10000 400 67 700 117 1000 167
Vitamin B-3 / Niacinamid (B3-vitamin) (mg) 539 22 229 38 263 54 281
AquaminTM (mg) 1000 40 - 70 - 100 -
Kalcium (mg)/Calcium (mg) 1120 45 6 78 7 112 10
Magnézium (mg)/Magnesium (mg) 358 14 5 25 8 36 12
Cink (mg)/Zinc (mg) 28,7 1 16 2 23 3 25
Vas, Réz, Mangán, Kobalt, Bór, Szelén, Foszfor, Kén, Jód (mg)/Iron, Copper, Manganese, Cobalt, Boron, Selenium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Iodine (mg) 56 2 - 4 - 6 -
Evo mátrix (mg)/Evo Matrix (mg) 7000
Metil-szulfonil-metán (mg)/Methylsulfonylmethane (mg) 1500 60 - 105 - 150 -
Glükozamin (mg)/Glucosamine (mg) 500 20 - 35 - 50 -
Kondroitin szulfát/Chondroitin sulphate 100 4 - 7 - 10 -
Kollagén (hidrolizált) (mg)/Collagen (hydrolysed) (mg) 500 20 - 35 - 50 -
Inoziltol (mg)/Inoziltol (mg) 1000 40 - 70 - 100 -
ExocyanTM (mg)/ 500 20 - 35 - 50 -
Cink-glükonát (mg)/Zinc gluconate (mg) 200 8 - 14 - 20 -
MCT olaj (mg)/MCT oil (mg) 1500 60 - 105 - 150 -
HMB-Ca (mg) 400 16 - 28 - 40
GABA (mg) 400 16 - 28 - 40 -
Platinox blend (mg) 400 16 - 28 - 40 -
Az étrend kiegészítő nem helyettesíti a vegyes étrendet és az egészséges életmódot./A dietary supplement is no substitute for a mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól. Bátran keress minket, ha bizonytalan vagy, segítünk! Email:
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