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450 gramm/doboz

Peak Yummy Protein Pudding with 78% protein content

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  • Huge, 75%* protein (time-released formula)

  • Low fat, as it contains less than 1g of fat per serving

  • Low in carbohydrates (<1.5 g per serving)

  • Fabulously creamy texture

  • Easy to prepare without cooking

  • Gluten-free

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€31.0 2.07 EUR/adag
Availability: In stock

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Pudding and sport don't mix?

Far from it, because the Yummy Pudding from the Peak Active range is the ultimate proof to the contrary! Thanks to its high protein content of 75%*, its consumption has been proven to help build and maintain muscle mass and normal bone structure. The extremely tasty and creamy Yummy Pudding also contains less than 1g of fat and 2g of carbohydrates per serving, making it an absolutely diet-friendly nutritional profile.

Finally, a dessert specifically designed for those who want to keep in shape forever - without restrictions and tasteless, boring diets! That's you, right?

All gluten-free, 75% protein with minimal fat and carbs. We all know that the hardest part of dieting is resisting the temptation of sweets!


What if we told you that there's a protein powder that not only protects your muscles, but you can eat it like a dessert! You can safely eat Peak Yummy Protein Pudding on even the toughest diets, even in the evening for dinner.

Best of all, it's easier to make than you think. No need to cook, no need to refrigerate. You just mix it up and spoon it in.

Why it's better for you than store-bought pudding!

If you look at the label on a regular pudding, you'll see that it doesn't have any nutrients. Starch and flavouring, that's pretty much it. In fact, to get any flavour, you need to add sugar and fat milk. So it's definitely not going to fit into a diet.

Peak Yummy Protein Pudding is different because it's 75% protein!

The Yummy Protein Pudding is based on casein protein, so it's a slow-absorbing creamy dessert with around 75% protein. The perfect alternative to eliminate late night snacking, you can safely eat it late at night. Its prolonged absorption makes it very filling, so it's especially optimal as a dinner replacement or during the day when you're craving a sweet treat.

What are the benefits of consuming casein / casein-based pudding on a regular basis?

If your goal is to increase muscle loss and strength, you may need it. This type, i.e. casein protein, can have a much greater benefit in your diet than other types of protein, even whey protein.

If you love delicious, creamy, sweet flavors, and you could be nasal at any time, especially late at night, after a tired day… then we have super news because with the latest Peak Yummy Pudding you can do it all without guilt! Plus, in addition to supporting your diet and not having to be afraid of extra pounds in addition to taste orgasm, you can even maintain and increase your muscle mass!

How to use Peak Yummy Pudding?

Even on its own, as a lightning bolt.
You can also turbocharge your favorite Peak Slim Mug Cake mug with it!
Pudding Peak pancakes aren’t the last gastro dish either - especially if you’re both dieters, right?
It’s also worth mixing this for breakfast porridge: it will be much denser and more nutritious. Isn’t a pudding base better than a flowing, spread oat whey?
Anyone who is advanced can even make any cookie out of it that requires pudding. For example, the classic biscuit pudding cookie!

13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak Yummy Protein Pudding
Termékleírás / Description: Por koncentrátum fehérjében gazdag puding előállításához édesítőszerekkel. / Powder concentrate for making a protein-rich pudding with sweeteners.
Összetevők - csokoládé / Ingredients - chocolate: Calcium CASEINate, MILK protein concentrate, cocoa powder (heavily de-oiled), thickener (carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan gum), flavoring, salt, sweetener (sucralose, acesulfame-K)./Kalcium-kazeinát, tejfehérje koncentrátum, kakaópor (erősen olajmentesített), sűrítőanyag (karboximetil-cellulóz, xantángumi), aroma, só, édesítőszer (szukralóz, aceszulfám K).
Összetevők - vanília / Ingredients - vanilla: Kalcium-kazeinát, tejfehérje koncentrátum, sűrítőanyag (karboximetil-cellulóz, xantángumi), aroma, só, édesítőszer (szukralóz, aceszulfám-K), színezék (riboflavin). / Calcium CASEINate, MILK protein concentrate, thickener (carboxymethyl cellulose, xanthan gum), flavor, salt, sweetener (sucralose, acesulfame-K), color (riboflavin).
Ajánlott adagolás / Recommended dosage: Keverj el 30g port (kb 2 adagolókanál) 200 ml vízzel vagy alacsony zsírtartalmú tejjel egy shakerben, és rázd amíg a kívánt állagot el nem éred. / Mix 30 g powder (approx. 2 measuring spoons) with 200 ml water or low-fat milk in a shaker and shake well until the desired consistency is achieved.
Eltarthatóság / Best before: a címkén jelzett időpontig / until the date indicated on the label. 2 év. A felbontást követő 3 hónapon belül felhasználható. Kérjük, zárt, száraz, fénytől védett helyen, normál szobahőmérsékleten tároljd./2 years - Use within 3 months after opening. Please store closed, dry, protected from light and at normal room temperature.
Kiszerelés / Packaging: 450 g per doboz / 450 g per box
Special knowledge: A változatos, kiegyensúlyozott étrend és az egészséges életmód fontos a jó egészséghez./A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important for good health.
Allergens: May contain traces of gluten, soy and egg. / Nyomokban glutént, szóját és tojást tartalmazhat.
Tárolási javaslat / Storage: Hűvös, száraz helyen, közvetlen napfénytől védve / Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Nährwerte – Vanilla /100g1 RM/RI3 /Portion2 RM/RI3
Energie 1400 kJ/330 kcal 17 %/17 % 420 kJ/99 kcal 5 %/5 %
Fett - davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,3 g/0,9 g 2 %/5 % 0,4 g/0,3 g 1 %/1 %
Kohlenhydrate - davon Zucker 2,9 g/1,7 g 1 %/2 % 0,9 g/0,5 g 0 %/1 %
Ballaststoffe / / / /
Eiweiß 75 g 150 % 23 g 45 %
Salz 2,7 g 45 % 0,8 g 14 %
Nährwerte – Chocolate /100g1 RM/RI3 /Portion2 RM/RI3
Energie 1404 kJ /332 kcal 17 %/17 % 421 kJ /100 kcal 5 %/5 %
Fett - davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 2,3 g/1,4 g 3 %/7 % 0,7 g/0,4 g 1 %/2 %
Kohlenhydrate - davon Zucker 4,2 g/1,6 g 2 %/2 % 1,3 g/0,5 g 0 %/ 1 %
Ballaststoffe / / / /
Eiweiß 70 g 140 % 21 g 42 %
Salz 2,6 g 43 % 0,8 g 13 %
1 =100 g Pulver, 2= Portion = 30 g Pulver + 150 – 200 ml Wasser, 3= Reference Intake – Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal), Die Angaben sind Mittelwerte und unterliegen den produktüblichen Schwankungen.
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól. Bátran keress minket, ha bizonytalan vagy, segítünk! Email:
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