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300 g / box

Peak Immuno C drink powder for the whole family

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  • Lemon drink powder with added vitamin C and ginseng

  • 1000 mg vitamin C per dose

  • With green tea extract (EGCG) for the maximum efficiency 

  • Suitable for children!

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€15.9 1.06 EUR/adag
Availability: In stock

These products are recommended for you personally!


The newly developed Immuno Vitamin C is for the whole family, including the kids! It is an absorption-maximizing green tea with the antioxidant EGCG and ginseng extract, which has been a symbol of vitality and health since ancient times. All in a delicious, lemon flavoured SUGAR-FREE drink powder!

In the spring of 2020, there is a precarious situation in which we all came to realize that health is one of the most precious things in life. It matters in what physical condition we live in our 60’s and how many chronic illnesses we have to deal with. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are supporting to live a healthy life even when you are older, even during situations like this.


The key ingredient in Immuno C is vitamin C.

It is a well-known fact that the human body is not able to produce vitamin C, so we need to get this vital vitamin into our body with food and with nutritional supplements.
Many of you may also know that a complete deficiency of vitamin C over several months causes scurvy. However, a few may know that scurvy is the last stage of vitamin C deficiency, before the last state when the body collapses. Unfortunately, vitamin C deficiency prior to scurvy has atypical manifestations and is therefore difficult to diagnose, and often remains untreated for years.

What you almost certainly didn't know about vitamin C:

The role of the vitamin discovered by Albert Szent-Györgyi in our body has now been fully mapped. It is less known that French researchers named M.Gazave and J. Parrot have proved that for ascorbic acid to behave as a vitamin, it is necessary to introduce a chemical factor. Such a factor is epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) in green tea. The EGCG content of green tea allows ascorbic acid to be utilized as a vitamin and to exert the effect of the vitamin.

Vitamin C can be beneficial for the whole body in several ways:

- Vitamin C has beautifying effects: regular intake of vitamin C slows down ageing as it contributes to normal collagen formation in the body. (That's why we added vitamin C to Peak Collagen Drink Powder.)
- Vitamin C helps you burn fat burns fat: vitamin C is needed for the body to produce L-carnitine which is a well-known natural fat-burner
- vitamin C increases regeneration: Vitamin C reduces the formation of lactic acid, so it can be a very effective supplement even in case of sore muscle! Besides, it strengthens connective tissues and helps regenerate tendons, muscle tissue and blood vessels.


Some people need extra vitamin C in addition to their basic intake.

- People with asthma and allergies: Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine and, when taken in elevated doses, helps ease the symptoms of asthma.

- For diabetics: through the protective effects of the cardiovascular system, we can presumably prevent many complications of diabetes. Also, vitamin C may have a positive effect on sugar and fat metabolism in non-insulin dependent diabetics.

- For cardiovascular problems: as you read above, vitamin C protects the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and increases the frequency of forming blood clots.

The Immuno C-t contains added ginseng extract which also plays an important role in making your body more resistant against everyday stress and viral illnesses.

13c, Fausermillen, 6689 Mertert, Luxembourg
Peak Immuno C italpor/ Peak Immuno C Drink
Leírás / Product description Citromos C-vitamin dús italpor EGCG-vel és adaptogén kivonattal. Íz: Citrom / Lemon Flavored Vitamin C Rich Powder With EGCG and Adaptogenic C Extract. Flavor: lemon
Összetevők / Ingredients Eritritol, aszkorbinsav, zöld tea (CAMELIA SINENSIS) kivonat, ginseng (PANAX GINSENG) kivonat, szukralóz, citrom és narancs aroma, kurkuma (CURCUMA LONGA) kivonat / Erythritol, Ascorbic acid, green tea (CAMELIA SINENSIS) extract, ginseng (PANAX GINSENG ) extract, sucralose, lemon and orange flavor, turmeric (CURCUMA LONGA) extract
Fogyasztási javaslat felnőtteknek / Recommended usage for adults 1-3 X 20 g (KB. egy evőkanál). Keverjen össze 1 adagot ízlés szerint 150-200ml hideg vagy forró vízzel. / Mix 1-3 X 20 G powder with 150-200 ml cold or hot water according to your taste.
Fogyasztási javaslat gyerekeknek / Recommended usage for children 1-3 X 10 g (KB. egy teáskanál). Keverjen össze 1 adagot ízlés szerint 100-150ml hideg vagy forró vízzel. / Mix 1-3 X 10 g powder with 100-150 ml cold or hot water according to your taste.
Figyelmeztetés / Warning Az ajánlott napi fogyasztási mennyiséget ne lépje túl. A termék nem tartalmaz fenil-alanint, tejfehérjét, glutént, tartósítószert és mesterséges színezéket. / Do not exceed the recommended dosage! The product does not contain Phenylalanine, whey protein, gluten, preservatives and artificial colors.
Eltarthatóság / Best before A doboz alján és a tasakon jelzett időpontig. / See at the bottom of the package and on the pounch.
Tárolási javaslat / Storage A terméket kisgyerek elől elzárva, száraz, hűvös helyen, 25 C-ig kell tárolni. A tasakot használat után gondosan vissza kell zárni. / Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry, cool place up to 25 C. The sachet should be carefully resealed after use.
Egyéb tudnivalók / Other information A tasak töltése nem térfogat, hanem tömeg alapon történik. Szállítás során a por tömörödhet. / Packed by weight, not by volume. Settling of product occurs after filling.
Nutrition / 100g / 20g (portion) RI * %/20g
Energy 1506 kJ / 360 kcal 301 kJ / 72 kcal 4%
Protein 0 g 0 g 0%
Carbohydrates 90 g 18 g 7%
of which sugars 0 g 0 g 0%
of which sugar alcohols 90 g 18 g -
Fat 0 g 0 g 0%
of which saturates 0 g 0 g 0%
Vitamin C 5000 mg 1000 mg 1250% NRV**
Green tea extract 500 mg 100 mg -
of which EGCG 200 mg 40 mg -
Ginseng extract 500 mg 100 mg -
of which ginsenosides 25 mg 5 mg -
Ennek a terméknek a pontos összetétele változhat, mivel a gyártók és a beszállítók értesítés nélkül jogosultak a továbbfejlesztésre. Ezért bár MINDENT megteszünk, hogy a oldalain, minden információ NAPRAKÉSZ legyen, az itt közölt adatok ez esetben is tájékoztató jellegűek. Ha Neked bármelyik információ kiemelten fontos, kérlek telefonon tájékozódj! A termék adagolása eltérhet a különböző országok hatóságai által ajánlott adagolási javaslataitól. Bátran keress minket, ha bizonytalan vagy, segítünk! Email:
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